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WK in Servië 3-5 april GEANNULEERD

Friday, April 03, 2020, 08:00 - 17:00
Hits : 1548
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De WK in Servië die gepland is van 3-5 april, gaat vanwege het gevaar van het Coronavirus niet door.
Zie onderstaande aankondiging. 
Due to Danger of Corona Virus, several countries have cancelled their participation at the Championship. A few other also consider cancellation.
Maintaining the Championship with only a few countries is not the thing we had in mind. It would affect the quality negatively.
We have decided to cancel the Championship for this year.
After the consultation with FCI comission, you will be informed about the 2021 Championship in details.

Praktische Informatie

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Locatie: Servie



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